Alfred Ernest Marples, Baron Marples of Wallasey, is very happy because the Ordnance Survey have released free postcode data


Ernest Marples

What's this all about eh?

We set this site up to make it easy to use postcode data in applications. We were scraping it, so you didn't have to. The Royal Mail made us turn it off (weenies!) but all is now well: at long, long last, the Government have released postcode data, and more besides, for free. So now, you can download it, and use it yourself.

Ernest Marples has left the building.

Ernest who?

He's the Postmaster General who introduced the Postcode.


Lots of people have been involved since this started -- from people who used the service and wrote code for it, to people who wrote in expressing their support. And when we got shut down, lots of people made lots of noise. And when the consultation on releasing this postcode data came out, lots of people helped by responding to it.

That's not to mention all the people who've been campaigning for this since long before we turned up and started stamping.

Anyway, the following have contributed to ErnestMarples in some way, so we want to thank them in particular:

I haven't been very organised about keeping track of people who've been in touch, so if I've missed off your name and you want me to add it, .

Members of Parliament

We're also grateful to the following 72 MPs for signing the Early Day Motion in support of, and to Tom Watson MP for tabling it.

Operated by Ernest Marples Postcodes Ltd.
Registered in England & Wales No. 6953698. Registered Address: 11 Tufnell Mansions, 73 Anson Road, N7 0AT